Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here I am

1. I am unfortunately from Wilmington, Delaware, which as you can see from the picture above is overpopulated and uninteresting.

2. One of my likes about media today is the advancements that have been made in film. For example, Avatar has some of the best graphics I have ever seen and truly raised the bar for science fiction movies. A dislike about media is that movies, mostly horror films are becoming increasingly predictable and each movie varies only slightly from the one before. 

 3. One experience this summer with the media that was my favorite would have to be taking my cousins to see Toy Story 3 and having there be more adults in the theater than children. While the children were laughing along so were there parents. Not to mention, many of the parents cried, which was a sight worth seeing.

4. As of now my plan for the future is to become a writer for a cooking magazine such as Food & Wine or Food Network Magazine. I love to cook and write, so that combines two of my passions.


    It's the website for Restaurant Business, the nation's leading restaurant magazine.
